Saturday, 30 November 2013

KURUKSHETRA : The place where Lord Krsna spoke Bagavad-Gita to Arjuna

             Kurukshetra is the place where Lord Krsna Personally spoken The Bagavad-Gita which is the great philosophical discussion ever happened between him and his great devotee Arjuna. This place still exists in the state of Haryana and the very same spot where it happened still maintains its glory and give many of the devotees great joy to have pilgrimage to it. Here is the nice article on its significance and its history of chronicle events.

Jyotisar at Kurukshetra

Thursday, 24 October 2013

7 Goswami temples of Vrindavan

1. Radha Madana Mohana Temple – Sanatana Goswami discovered the deity of Madana Mohana and this was the first temple to be built in Vrindavan. The original deity of Madana-mohana was taken to Karauli for protection during the Muslim attacks led by Emperor Aurangzeb in 1670.

2. Radha Damodara – The original deity was carved by Rupa Gosvami and gifted to disciple, Jiva Gosvami, who built this temple.

3. Radha Syamasundara – This is one of the lesser known but very important temples as the deity was manifested from Srimati Radharani’s heart and given to Syamananda to worship.

4. Radha Ramana – “Radha Ramana” means “one who gives pleasure to Radha”, andRadha Ramana is one of the few original deities still left in Vrindavan. Radha Ramana is said to be self-manifested from one of the Goswami’s saligram silas in 1542.

5. Radha Govinda – This temple was built by Maharaja Man Singh and the original Govindaji was reinstalled in Jaipur during the Muslim attacks.

6. Radha Gokulananda – This temple has a Govardhana shila gifted by Lord Chaitanya to Raghunath Dasa Gosvami and is believed to contain the thumbprint of Lord Chaitanya. The temple also has Radha-Vinoda deities of Lokanatha 
Gosvami, Vijaya Govinda of Baladeva Vidyabhusana and Viswanath Chakravarti’s Radha-Gokulananda deities.

7. Radha Gopinatha – Gopinatha was first installed 5,000 years ago by Vajranaba, Lord Krishna’s grandson, and rediscovered at Vamsi-vata by Paramananda Goswami.
RadhaGopinath in Vrindavan

RadhaGopinath in Jaipur (original)

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Collection of Folk stories from Pitt U

                 Folk stories are simple yet a great moral conveying tools for all classes of men. It contains a subtle message to be imbibed for an ethical upbringing of human being. Often animals plays lead roles in these stories and their conversations with human beings and other species brings a completely different experience to the reader. This style is very natural and in the sense you don't find much similarities often in the contemporary literature.

First in this domain known to exist and spread across the world in different languages is - Panchatantra by Vishnu Sharma from India. This is the most celebrated epic ..

Here is the electronic collection of some of the stories by a professor D.L.Ashliman from Univ of Pittsburg.

Saturday, 31 August 2013

Krishna Janmastami - 2013

Krishna Janmastami is different experience  for me this year - 2013.. I celebrated this here in Penang, Gelugor temple.. For last few years I was in Singapore and we used to celebrate this in a much bigger scale in a auditorium. This year in Penang we were about 50 people and the celebration went up to 2'o clock in the night. We danced to maximum extent for the sweet kirtans by devotees.

Here are some of the pictures by famous artist B.G Sharma on Krsna lila ..

Rama-lila photos by B.G Sharma

Saturday, 3 August 2013


A very good description and photo tour of different places, in and out of one of most sacred places of KRSNA's pastimes, DWARKA .... All the details that may require for you to visit DWARKA has been very wonderfully delineated by chandan yatra prabhu in the following link.. I wish I should visit DWARKA soon.. Krsna when will you grant me that boon.... Praying ...

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Chronology of KRSNA pastimes in Vraja

Original article from Dandavats

Tṛṇāvarta killed (7th Chapter) – after a full year passed (varṣe pūrṇe).
Damodāra-līlā (Chapters 9-10) – in the beginning of the third year during Kārtika month (tṛtīya-varṣārambhe kārtike) (2 years and 2 months).
Kṛṣṇa-Balarāma and all the cowherds move to Vṛndāvana (11th Chapter) – some days after Damodāra-līlā (katicid-dinānte vṛndāvana-praveśaḥ) (2 years and 2 months).
Kṛṣṇa began herding the calves (10.11.37) - 2-3 months after moving to Vṛndāvana (dvi-tra-māsānantaraṁ vatsa-cāraṇārambhaḥ) (2 years and 4-5 months).
Vatsāsura, Bakāsura and Vyomāsura killed (10.11.41-54) – during that time (tatra vatsa-baka-vyoma-vadhaḥ) (2 years and 4-5 months).
Brahmā stole the cowherd boys and calves (Chapters 12-14 ) – after the third year passed and the fourth year started, in the autumn (tṛtīye pūrṇe caturthārambhe śaradi bāla-vatsa-haraṇaṁ) (little more than 3 years)
[Note: At this time He actually entered paugaṇḍa age but it was manifested only after a year passed – see 10.12.41].
Paugaṇḍa age manifested (10.12.37) – in the beginning of the fifth year (pañcamārambhe paugaṇḍa-prakāśaḥ) (little more than 4 years).
Started herding the cows (10.15.1) – on śukla-aṣṭamī of Kārtika month (tatra kārtika-śuklāṣṭamyāṁ go-cāraṇārambhaḥ) (4 years, 2 months and 2 weeks).
Kāliya-damana-līlā (Chapters 16-17) – in the summer of the fifth year (pañcamasya nidāghe kāliya-damanaṁ) (4 years and appr. 10 months).
[Note: This līlā is described in Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam after killing of Dhenukāsura]
In His sixth year He was immersed in herding the cows - (ṣaṣṭhe go-cāraṇa-kautuka-mātraṁ) 
He entered kaiśora age – in the beginning of the seventh year (saptamārambhe kaiśora-praveśaḥ) (little more than 6 years).
Dhenuka killed (15th Chapter)– at that time when when tāla-fruits became ripe (tatraiva pakva-tālāvasare dhenuka-vadhaḥ).
On that evening also the gopīs for the first time manifested their loving mood described in 10.15.43. (little more than 6 years).
Pralamba killed (18th Chapter) – in the summer of the seventh year (saptamasya nidāghe pralamba-vadhaḥ) (6 years and appr. 10 months).
Veṇu-gītā pastime (21st Chapter) – in the eighth year during Aśvina month (aṣṭamasyāśvine veṇu-gītaṁ) (7 years and 1 month).
Kṛṣṇa lifted Govardhana (24th Chapter) – in His eighth year, on the first day of the waxing moon in Kārtika month (kārtīke govardhanoddharaṇaṁ) (7 years, 2 months and 7 days).
Govinda-abhiṣeka (27th Chapter) – in the beginning of His eighth year, on śukla-ekādaśī of Kārtika month (aṣṭamārambhe eva kārtika-śuklaikādaśyāṁ govindābhiṣekaḥ) (7 years, 2 months and 17 days).
Journey to Varuṇa’s planet (10.28.1-11) – on the following dvādaśī (dvādaśyāṁ ca varuṇa-loka-gamanaṁ) (7 years, 2 months and 18 days).
Vrajavāsīs bathed in Brahma-hrada (10.28.16) – on the following full moon day of Kārtika (tat-pūrṇimāyāṁ brahma-hradāvagāhanaṁ) (7 years, 2 months and 21 days).
Vastra-haraṇa-līlā (22nd Chapter) – in the winter of His eighth year (hemante vastra-haraṇaṁ) (7 years and appr. 3 months).
Showing mercy to the wives of the brāhmaṇas (23rd Chapter) – in the summer of His eighth year (nidāghe yajña-patnī-prasādaḥ) (7 years and appr. 10 months).
[Note: Śrīla Jīva Gosvāmī says in the commentary to 10.24.1 that these līlās are described in Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam out of chronological order because of Śukadeva Gosvāmī’s lack of self-control due to his prema (prema-vaivaśyāt) and also because of the similarity of the pastimes (svajātīyatvāc ca)]
Rāsa-līlā (Chapters 29-33) – in the beginning of His ninth year, in the autumn season (navamasya śaradi rāsa-līlā) (8 years and 1.5 months).
Journey to Ambikā-vana (10.34.1-3) - during Śiva-rātri festival on caturdaśī [on the fourteenth lunar day of the dark fortnight of the month of Phālguna] - (śiva-rātri-caturdaśyām ambikā-vana-yātrā) (8 years, 6 months and 6 days).
Śaṅkhacūḍa killed (10.34.25-32) – in Phālguna month (phālgunyāṁ śaṅkhacūḍa-vadhaḥ) (appr. 8.5 years).
Ariṣṭāsura killed (10.36.1-15) - on the full moon of Caitra month (ekādaśasya caitra-paurṇamāsyām ariṣṭa-vadhaḥ) (10 years, 7 months and 21 days).
Keśī killed (10.37.1-8) - on the twelfth day of the dark fortnight of Phālguna (dvādaśasya gauṇa-phālguna-dvādaśyāṁ keśi-vadhaḥ) (11 years, 6 months and 4 days).
Kaṁsa killed (44th Chapter) - on the fourteenth day of the dark fortnight of Phālguna month [2 days later] (tac caturdaśyāṁ kaṁsa-vadhaḥ) (11 years, 6 months and 6 days

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Quick start for PERL

Perl is an ideal language for string operations and data analysis.

Here, i found a good primer for quick start for PERL